Home >> WangCheng Agritainment No.19

WangCheng Agritainment No.19

GuoYu Village,Beiliu Town, YangCheng County, Shanxi Province, Xiancheng District, China,Xiancheng,yangcheng,Shaanxi

WangCheng Agritainment No.19Over view
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A stop love life.
The Agritainment loacte in the north of GuoYu Ancient City about 100 meters and the sourth of House of the HuangCheng Chancellor about 100 meters, adjacent to WenFeng Tower and BaiYun Buddhist Convent, back against CangLongLing Forest Park. The agritainment stands peacefully with lavish bushes,fregnant flowers and twittering birds. Stroll along the boulevard and enjoy pastoral scenery.

WangCheng Agritainment No.19

GuoYu Village,Beiliu Town, YangCheng County, Shanxi Province, Xiancheng District, China,Xiancheng,yangcheng,Shaanxi