Home >> Tin event xin ou business hotel

Tin event xin ou business hotel

Tin event, chief of the street, Taipusiqimeng District, Xilinhaote, China,taipusiqimeng,xilinhaote,Neimenggu

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Reserve Room

Tin event, xin ou business hotel opened on July 21, 2015, the total number of rooms 58 rooms, standard rooms are equipped with computers and Internet TV, room have standard rooms, big bed room, suite, let you feel different, design style allows you to walk into our space will have a pleasant mood. Clean, clear, tin can glance at all event, beautiful scenery.

Tin event xin ou business hotel

Tin event, chief of the street, Taipusiqimeng District, Xilinhaote, China,taipusiqimeng,xilinhaote,Neimenggu